Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Be the change!

"It's dangerous not to evolve. If you want to ensure your extinction, cease to evolve."

Jeff Bezos

The church is not a stagnant object but a living, organic being. It's not a building or a set of rituals, it's people. People were created to change and grow, so the church needs to also. It needs to continually change in order to stay vital.

We are the church. So if we think the church needs to change, that means WE need to change. It starts with us. You and me. If we have ideas and thoughts of what "should be" in the church, it's up to us to start to develop those things. No one else is going to do it. If it's in your heart, it's because God called you to it. The very passions within you are the very things God has created you for. So if you're thinking it "should be" this or that, start by simply being it.

"We need to be the change we wish to see in the world."


Let me put this in local terms: We need to be the change we wish to see in the church!

We can complain all we want to that our pastor and our fellow church members aren't promoting the right kind of church atmosphere, but unless we're promoting those perspectives and passions ourselves, we're not helping either. We're just staying part of the problem too. We're just delaying the change as well.

Stepping out isn't easy. But it's a must.

Seth Godin, best selling author, marketing expert and agent of change, says, "You have to do something people can criticize! Don't play it safe."*

If we're not living what we believe because we know we'll get criticized for it, then we're just whimping out of the purpose God has for us. God never said it would be easy, He just said it would be worth it. The church needs people who are willing to be called heretics if that's what's needed. People who are willing to live what they believe!!

"Become a heretic. A heretic is someone who's willing to challenge the status quo because they so passionately believe something. They seek out a rule and break it on purpose. They keep their faith and break the rules to keep it further.

...push back against the standards...not just to be rebellious but because it's what you believe."*

Seth Godin

Jesus was a heretic to his generation. He was willing to live what He believed regardless of what the religious authorities had to say about Him.

Martin Luther was a heretic with his 95 Theses. And look at the Reformation he ultimately created! The church as we know it would not be without him!

Martin Luther King Jr. pushed back against the standards. And thank God because where would we be today without him?!

It's time we start to live what we believe instead of just wishing it were acceptable in others eyes to do so. It's time we start, humbly but very directly, not caring what others think and start showing Christ in a way that we passionately believe He wants to be portrayed!

You know, there will always be someone out there that will resound your voice. Someone out there that will be glad you spoke up. It might not come in a powerful, supportive force, but it's out there.

Our passions are needed in this world! God is waiting for us to be all He's called us to be. Step out in what's been swelling deep within your heart for so long. Live what you believe!

I know I'm defnitely being challenged to do so...

*Godin, Seth. "Tribes." Lecture. Catalyst Conference. Arena at Gwinnett Center, Duluth, Georgia. 9 October 2008. For more info on Seth Godin: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/about.html


nadine.w said...
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