Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's Actually Not About Servant Leadership, But Simply Servanthood

"If you want to be important—wonderful.
If you want to be recognized—wonderful.
If you want to be great—wonderful.
but recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant....

Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

What a powerful statement! We teach this principle of serving constantly in the church but I don't think I've heard it coupled with greatness the way Dr. King has stated it. And yet it makes complete sense...it's exactly what Jesus plainly stated.

I've always heard the verses quoted over and over from the Gospels where Jesus makes this statement, "The greatest among you must be your servant." (Matt. 23:11, Luke 22:26)...but, at least in my adult years, I've always seen it in relation to "Servant Leadership."

Note the word "leadership" included.

Over the last few years, when thinking of servanthood as Servant Leadership...there was always in my mind this implied part to serving...that there already is some greatness in the serving....that leadership goes hand in hand (and lets be honest, leadership has it's recognition).

There's been a huge push for "Servant Leadership" over the last few years (and gladly so), but I think it's come to a point now where servanthood and servant leadership are blurred together. But they shouldn't be!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Christianity was Never Intended to be a Cloning Operation!

I really enjoyed reading Erwin McManus' book, "Soul Cravings."

Here is chapter or rather, "entry," #22:

Entry #22 Standardized Testing
(McManus, Erwin R. Soul Cravings. Nelson Books: Nashville, TN. 2006.)

IRONICALLY, ONE OF THE VERY THINGS THAT SHOULD DRAW people to God has actually repelled them from Christianity. Over the last 2,000 years, the Christian religion has abdicated its unique view of the individual and has fallen in line with every other world religion. It's easier to run a religion if you can standardize everything, including the people. Religion, after all, has become one of history's most powerful tools for controlling people. If you were thinking of a stratergy to keep people in line, religion would have to be at the top of the list. In this, Christianity has become no different.

If you were to interview people who have come out of churches and have no intention to return, you'd find some common themes. One of them is the controlling nature of the churches they came from. Somehow we've equated conformity with holiness. Spirituality is more identified with tradition and ritual than it is with a future and a hope. Too often discipleship equals standardization. It's almost as if God's solution to the human problem is cloning, making us the same, extracting from us all that is unique, destroying that which makes us different.

The tragedy, of course, is that this has nothing to do with Jesus. It would be an understatement to say that Jesus was unique. Even if he were not God, he would have been history's most extraordinary human being. He was a nonconformist; He was anti-institutional; He surrounded himself with outcasts; He was everything except what they expected. Jesus' life was a model of uniqueness, and his movement was nothing less than that. The people he chose to entrust his message to had to have been the unlikeliest of candidates. They were nothing if not unique. The son of a carpenter gave the responsibility that would typically be entrusted to priests and theologians to an unqualified group consisting of fishermen and even a tax collector. Furthermore, his inner circle also consisted of a woman who was once a prostitute. From background to temperament there was nothing about Jesus' disciples that reflected conformity—neither did his message.

When Jesus spoke to the crowds in what become known as the Sermon on the Mount, he described the masses in a way that no one else saw them. The thousands who pressed against each other to listen to the teachings of Jesus were the social outcasts of their time. They were the unwanted, the poor, the criminal, and the sick. Yet when Jesus described them, his words were filled with both affection and admiration. "You are the light of the world," He told them. Their lives should not be hidden, but open for the world to see.

These masses were the invisibles.

They were part of the countless number of people who are lost in the shadows of great civilizations. They were the throwaways. They were seen as liabilities, burdens to society, but not to Jesus. He saw them as lights hidden under a bushel. He knew that there was something deep inside them waiting to come out, something beautiful, something breathtaking.

They were created by God to be luminous if only Jesus could make them see it.

"You are the salt of the earth," he told them. But here there is a different danger. When salt loses its flavor, it has no value. It's thrown out and trampled upon. I think a lot of people listening understood that. In fact, they had probably experienced it. In the sight of those who were powerful, they were considered worthless. It was easier to walk on them than to waste a good bag of salt. But they themselves may have been their worst enemies. If they did not recognize their own worth, if they relinquished the uniqueness of being human, if they denied their own value, they were like salt that had lost its savor.

In both these images, Jesus appeals to the intrinsic value of every human being.

You may not agree with this, but you should take time to consider it. While religions have historically tried to make us the same, Jesus calls us to be different. If you have ever experienced this, you know your soul bristled at the demand to quietly get in line and conform. But something in your gut told you this was wrong. If there was a God, his value would not be uniformity, but uniqueness. And you were right. Imprinted on your soul is the fingerprint of God. There is something inside you that resists surrendering your soul to legalism. The good news is that all that time it wasn't you fighting against God; you were fighting for what God has created you to become.

To come to God is to discover the uniqueness of your being.

When you come to God, you begin a process that re-creates you from the inside out. You begin a journey that is nothing less than life transforming. While there are something things we will share in common, the journey God has prepared for you is uniquely yours with him. Don't be confused about this—everything around us pushes us toward conformity. Whether it's communism or Islam, Calvin Klein or McDonald's, we are all pushed toward standardization and quickly find ourselves as assembly-line humanity.

We have to choose.

Liberal or conservative? Democrat or Republican? Evolution or creation? Pro-choice or pro-life? The enviroment or development? Coke or Pepsi? Coke Zero or Pepsi One?

Choose your box and stay there.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

For Doing

"A man is not saved by doing, but rather, for doing."

- Sheperd's Chapel broadcasting, 1:30pm, June 25, 2009, 57 WATC

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Worship Does Not Equal Music

I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast of Catalyst interviewing Louie Giglio: http://www.catalystspace.com/content/podcast/catalyst_podcast_episode_73/

He quoted A.W. Tozer:

"If you cannot worship the Lord in the midst of your responsiblities on Monday, it's not very likely that you were worshipping on Sunday either."

Here's an except of what Giglio said right after quoting Tozer:

...and you know, that just kinda blows up this whole mentality of "I sang the songs, I lifed my hands, I felt something." So on our little 'postage stamp' we're trying to say: Worship is life and the most worship that God wants is not for me to sing 'Mighty to Save' again. God is not leaning on the edge of the throne, going, "I hope, I hope they sing 'Jesus Messiah' today. I love that one!"

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Jesus Liked People Who Were Nothing Like Him

I LOVE this message that Andy Stanley taught!!! It's not what you usually hear in church and I think it is a powerful truth that many of us who have grown up in the church need to hear.

It challenges those who have grown up hearing about Jesus all our lives. Do we have the correct view of Jesus? Andy Stanley challenges:
Do you really know Jesus?

The Message of Jesus: Simple
Part 1

(it only gets better in part 2!)

Part 2

Hello World

"Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell."

C.T. Studd

Being in church and doing church things was top priority in the Christian enviroment I've grown up in. But I've been feeling very resistant to that idea as I get older. I want to reach the world for Jesus and I'm finding that is very difficult to do when I only go to church, hang out with church folk and participate in church activities. I'm starting to decide that I have to rub shoulders with the world in order to reach the world. I've got to be in places where I can meet people, and I have the disposition that is accepting and loving to people in order to ever, ever reach them for Christ.

The things I used to think were most important in life I'm starting to reconsider and realize while church is an absolute necessity and Christian fellowship is vital, it IS NOT ALL that God has called us to socially and actively. God called us to reach the world. So part of the world we must be.

Friday, June 12, 2009

How Ridiculous Do I Look?!

I think this short video excerpt is AWESOME!! :-D It's sooo good!! You gotta watch this!

Francis Chan challenges the status quo of Christian living:

Francis Chan - Balance Beam
(use the link above if the box doesn't show up below)

Isn't this what most of us look like?

And we've created a Christian culture that assumes this is what God wants from us. We think it's what God is pleased with.

But this view really puts it into perspective. God DID NOT call us to play it safe and avoid everything in life. He called us to engage life, to take chances and pursue passions, to give it all we've got.

God is not afraid of possible mistakes or misguided passions (or etc) because He can work with us when we're willing to step out. It's harder to motivate a person immobilized by fear and compacency than to redirect someone who already has momemtum and willingness to put it all on the line.

It's time we got out from behind the comfort of our pews and isolated, easy living and start living with passion and purpose to make a difference for Christ in our world! God didn't call us to safely navitage through this life without making any waves, but to present a beautiful performance of giving it all we've got!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Caged Christian

In his book, "Wild Goose Chase," Mark Batterson hit the nail on the head concerning my spirituality and what I kept seeing all around me. I was a caged Christian. You could pretty much replace "he" in the following except with my name:

"I'll tell you exactly what he is lacking: spiritual adventure. His life was too easy, too predictable, and too comfortable. He kept all the commandments, but those commandments felt like a religious cage....Listen, not breaking the prohibitive commandments is right and good. But simply not breaking the prohibitive commandments isn't spiritually satifying. It leaves us feeling caged. And I honestly think that is where many of us find ourselves." (8)

My deep unrest and unfulfillment nagged at me constantly. I would communicate it but since what I communicated didn't "fit in the box," I wouldn't get good reception and people didn't know how to handle me. I didn't know how to put what I felt and what I knew about God together. They didn't fit. But I couldn't stop the nagging. I couldn't stop the cry in my heart. This book opened the door to see how God and what I felt actually belonged exactly together. That what I was feeling was actually exactly from God to do more, to live bigger, to create a faith within me that was big enough for God to fit in!

"Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death."(171)

That is exactly what I was doing.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Determined to Redefine My Christianity

I want to BREAK FREE!!! I've lived in the box my whole life because I've been trying to "please God." But it's starting to BORE ME to DEATH!! The more I think about it, the more I realize this isn't what God has called us to...

God is Wild @ Heart, Adventurous & Creative!! Why have we put Him in this bland box?! He can never be contained!! And He calls us to a life of passion, unpredictability & adventure so why do we live in the box?!!

We've reduced...

...the Holy Spirit to emotions,
...God to a systematic theology,
...and the Body of Christ to an institution!

I think we've got it all wrong!!

God must be bored to tears with our predictable Christian lives! I've spent the 24 years of my life trying to fit into this perfect Christian world we've created but I think it's killing me! This is not what God has designed us for!!