He quoted A.W. Tozer:
"If you cannot worship the Lord in the midst of your responsiblities on Monday, it's not very likely that you were worshipping on Sunday either."
Here's an except of what Giglio said right after quoting Tozer:
...and you know, that just kinda blows up this whole mentality of "I sang the songs, I lifed my hands, I felt something." So on our little 'postage stamp' we're trying to say: Worship is life and the most worship that God wants is not for me to sing 'Mighty to Save' again. God is not leaning on the edge of the throne, going, "I hope, I hope they sing 'Jesus Messiah' today. I love that one!"
...You know, God is being bombarded with worship songs in every language right now from millions of people. PLUS, he's got angels that all they do 24-7 is just tell him how holy he is. And he's sitting on a throne that lightening come out of!
So he's not going, "Oh man, I hope at Catalyst this year they sing, you know, 'We Shine.' You know, and then as soon as it starts, he goes, "Awww, I'm so excited! This is great!" No, he's going, "That cool. Thank you. Now the poor please." And when you go and touch one of them in a significant way, He goes, "THANK. YOU! THAT made me happy! THAT was more than a thousand worship songs when you touched that one person in my name."
And we're trying to say that we're (Passion) never gonna have an event again where worship and justice aren't clearly wed for the last IQ person who is there to get it.
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